How to produce test hashes for various formats

It's advisable to use a “user name” that is actually the password in clear text, or to place the password in the Gecos field. This way you can test –single mode as well as wordlist mode.

Note that the ”perl -ne” one-liners are also capable of taking a whole wordlist file to stdin!

For most of the Perl examples, you will have to obtain and install the Authen::Passphrase module (and all its dependencies) from CPAN.

Unix MD5, DES, SHA256/512 etc

Many systems have a “mkpasswd” utility letting you create hashes in all formats your system supports, with any password and salt you choose (or a random salt, like below).

$ echo -n magnum: ; mkpasswd -m md5 magnum
$ echo -n magnum: ; mkpasswd -m des magnum
$ echo -n magnum: ; mkpasswd -m sha-256 magnum
$ echo -n magnum: ; mkpasswd -m sha-512 magnum

Here is a longer script that will generate DES, bigcrypt, MD5 and BF from a plaintext (or a wordlist):

use Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt;
use Authen::Passphrase::BigCrypt;
use Authen::Passphrase::MD5Crypt;
use Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt;
$u = 0;
while ($p = <>) {
	next if ($p =~ /^#!comment/);
	chomp $p;
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt->new(passphrase => $p, salt_random => 12);
	print "u$u-des:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$p", "::\n";
	if (length($p) > 8) {
		$h = Authen::Passphrase::BigCrypt->new(passphrase => $p, salt_random => 12);
		print "u$u-bigcrypt:", $h->salt_base64_2, $h->hash_base64, ":$u:0:$p", "::\n";
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt->new(passphrase => $p, fold => 1, nrounds => 725, salt_random => 24);
	print "u$u-bsdi:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$p", "::\n";
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::MD5Crypt->new(passphrase => $p, salt_random => 1);
	print "u$u-md5:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$p", "::\n";
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt->new(passphrase => $p, cost => 5, salt_random => 1);
	print "u$u-bf:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$p", "::\n";

This is from

Here are some one liners using the Authen::Passphrase perl module.

$ echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Authen::Passphrase::PHPass; chomp;printf("%s:%s\n", $_, Authen::Passphrase::PHPass->new(cost => 10, salt_random => 1, passphrase => $_)->as_crypt);'
$ echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt; chomp;printf("%s:%s\n", $_, Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt->new(cost => 10, salt_random => 1, passphrase => $_)->as_crypt);'

Raw MD5

Note the mandatory -n option to echo (without it you will hash the newline too):

$ echo -n magnum: ; echo -n magnum | md5sum | sed 's/ /:/g'

The sed thing in the end of the line is for getting that dash from md5sum (telling us it read from stdin) out of the way.

Using Perl:

$ echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);chomp;printf("%s:%s\n", $_, md5_hex($_));'

…and why not add a md5_gen(0) tag for auto identifying:

$ echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);chomp;printf("%s:md5_gen(0)%s\n", $_, md5_hex($_));'

Raw MD5 of password encoded in UTF-16LE

Note the mandatory -n option to echo (without it you will hash the newline too):

$ echo -n magnum: ; echo -n magnum | iconv -t utf-16le | md5sum | sed 's/ /:/g'

Using Perl:

$ echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Encode;use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);chomp;printf("%s:%s\n", $_, md5_hex(encode("UTF-16LE", $_)));'

Raw MD4

$ echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Digest::MD4 qw(md4_hex);chomp;printf("%s:\$MD4\$%s\n", $_, md4_hex($_));'

LM hash

See NT hash

NT hash

An NT hash is really just a raw MD4 of password encoded in UTF-16LE.

$ echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Encode;use Digest::MD4 qw(md4_hex);chomp;printf("%s:\$NT\$%s\n", $_, md4_hex(encode("UTF-16LE", $_)));'

Here is a longer script that will take words from stdin and produce a pwdump-like output with both LM and NT hashes:

use Authen::Passphrase::LANManager;
use Authen::Passphrase::NTHash;
$u = 0;
while ($p = <>) {
	next if ($p =~ /^#!comment/);
	chomp $p;
	$lm = Authen::Passphrase::LANManager->new(passphrase =>
		length($p) <= 14 ? $p : "");
	$nt = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $p);
	print "u$u:$u:", $lm->hash_hex, ":", $nt->hash_hex, ":$p", "::\n";

This is from

Raw SHA1

Many systems have a sha1sum tool, just like md5sum. Note the mandatory -n option to echo (without it you will hash the newline too):

$ echo -n magnum: ; echo -n magnum | sha1sum | sed 's/ /:/g'

Actually, my default-installed Ubuntu also has shasum, sha224sum, sha256sum, sha384sum, sha512sum and who knows what more.

Perl is also easy to use:

echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex);chomp;printf("%s:%s\n", $_, sha1_hex($_));'


mscash is JtR's name for MS cached hashes. There is also an mscashv2.

$ echo magnum | perl -ne 'use Encode;use Digest::MD4 qw(md4_hex);chomp;$salt=$_;printf "%s:%s\n",$_,md4_hex(pack("H*",md4_hex(encode("UTF-16LE",$_))).encode("UTF-16LE", $salt))'
magnum:M$magnum#05f88c96df2a59fded4cc481e8d60a16 Perl Script generates many hash types

Here is a longer script that handles almost every format which john handles (some missing, but most):

NOTE, is used in the John Test Suite to build the input files it uses. This long script has been built to work hand/glove with the test_suite, to build it, and to provide a totally different code base to produce hashes which are cracked by john, to validate it is working.

Here is the Manifest file, listing the changes per version.

This is an older version of the code. It is kept here, intact and fully executable, for historical purposes. However, current source (and manifest file), is kept in the current Jumbo build of john. There have been MANY new formats added to the current file, along with many new hash types (all of the sha2, gost, whirlpool, and likely more). can be found in the ./run directory of john jumbo, and is several versions newer than this example. The pass_gen.Manifest file is kept in the ./docs directory. Updates to should be checked into the GIT tree, or simply posted to the john-dev email list, and one of the developers will get the latest changes merged into the repository code.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
my $VERSION = "1.10";
# For the version information list, see the file pass_gen.Manifest
use Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt;
use Authen::Passphrase::BigCrypt;
use Authen::Passphrase::MD5Crypt;
use Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt;
use Authen::Passphrase::EggdropBlowfish;
use Authen::Passphrase::LANManager;
use Authen::Passphrase::NTHash;
use Authen::Passphrase::PHPass;
use Digest::MD4 qw(md4 md4_hex md4_base64);
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
use Digest::SHA qw(sha1 sha1_hex sha1_base64);
use Encode;
use Switch 'Perl5', 'Perl6';
use POSIX;
use Getopt::Long;
#use Digest::HMAC_MD5 qw(hmac_md5 hmac_md5_hex);
use Crypt::RC4;
use Crypt::CBC;
use Crypt::DES;
use Crypt::ECB qw(encrypt PADDING_AUTO PADDING_NONE);
use Crypt::PBKDF2;
use Crypt::OpenSSL::PBKDF2;
# Here is how to add a new hash subroutine to this script file:
# 1.	add a new element to the @funcs array.  The case of this string does
#	not matter.  The only time it is shown is on the usage screen, so make
#	it something recognizable to the user wanting to know what this script
#	can do.
# 2.	add a new  sub to the bottom of this program. The sub MUST be same
#	spelling as what is added here, but MUST be lower case.  Thus, we see
#	DES here in funcs array, but the sub is:   sub des($pass)  This
#	subroutine will be passed a candidate password, and should should output
#	the proper hash.  All salts are randomly selected, either from the perl
#	function doing the script, or by using the randstr()  subroutine.
# 3.	Test to make sure it works properly.  Make sure john can find ALL values
#	your subroutine returns.
# 4.	Update the version of this file (at the top of it)
# 5.	Publish it to the john wiki for others to also use.
# These john jumbo formats are not done 'yet':
# AFS/KRB5/dominosec/epi/sapG/sapB/DMD5
# lotus5 is done in some custom C code.  If someone wants to take a crack at it here, be my guest :)
my @funcs = ("DES", "BigCrypt", "BSDI", "MD5_1", "MD5_a", "BF", "BFx", "BFegg", "RawMD5",
             "RawMD5u", "RawSHA1", "RawSHA1u", "msCash", "LM", "NT", "pwdump", "RawMD4", "PHPass",
			 "PO", "hmacMD5", "IPB2", "PHPS", "MD4p", "MD4s", "SHA1p", "SHA1s", "mysqlSHA1",
			 "pixMD5", "MSSql05", "nsldap", "nsldaps", "ns", "XSHA", "mskrb5", "mysql",
			 "mssql", "oracle", "oracle11", "hdaa", "netntlm_ess", "openssha", "l0phtcrack",
			 "netlmv2", "netntlmv2", "mschapv2", "mscash2", "mediawiki", "MD5_gen" );
my $i; my $h; my $u; my $salt;
my @chrAsciiText=('a'..'z','A'..'Z');
my @chrAsciiTextLo=('a'..'z');
my @chrAsciiTextHi=('A'..'Z');
my @chrAsciiTextNum=('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9');
my @chrAsciiTextNumUnder=('a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9','_');
my @chrHexHiLo=('0'..'9','a'..'f','A'..'F');
my @chrHexLo=('0'..'9','a'..'f');
my @chrHexHi=('0'..'9','A'..'F');
my @i64 = ('.','/','0'..'9','A'..'Z','a'..'z');
my @ns_i64 = ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z','0'..'9','+','/',);
my @userNames = (
	"admin", "root", "bin", "Joe", "fi15_characters", "Herman", "lexi Conrad", "jack", "John", "sz110",
	"fR14characters", "Thirteenchars", "Twelve_chars", "elev__chars", "teN__chars", "six16_characters",
	"ninechars", "eightchr", "sevench", "barney", "user", "01234", "nineteen_characters", "eight18_characters",
	"seven17characters", "u1", "harvey", "john", "ripper", "a", "Hank", "1", "u2", "u3", "2", "3", "usr",
	"usrx", "usry", "skippy", "Bing", "Johnson", "addams", "anicocls", "twentyXXX_characters",
	"twentyoneX_characters", "twentytwoXX_characters", );
# These global vars are used by the md5_gen parsing engine
# to deal with unknown formats.
my $gen_u; my $gen_s; my $gen_soutput, my $gen_stype; my $gen_s2; my $gen_pw; my @gen_c; my @gen_toks; my $gen_num;
my $gen_lastTokIsFunc; my $gen_u_do; my $md5_gen_usernameType; my $md5_gen_passType; my $salt2len; my $saltlen; my $gen_PWCase;
# pcode, and stack needed for pcode.
my @gen_pCode; my @gen_Stack; my @gen_Flags;
my $debug_pcode=0; my $gen_needs; my $gen_needs2; my $gen_needu; my $gen_singlesalt;
my $hash_format; my $arg_utf8 = 0; my $arg_ansi = 0; my $arg_minlen = 0; my $arg_maxlen = 128; my $arg_dictfile = "unknown";
my $arg_count = 1500, my $argsalt, my $arg_nocomment = 0;
# code to help decode base64 encoded salts
#use MIME::Base64 2.21 qw(encode_base64 decode_base64);
#sub de_base64($) {
#	my($text) = @_;
#	$text =~ tr#./A-Za-z0-9#A-Za-z0-9+/#;
#	$text .= "=" x (3 - (length($text) + 3) % 4);
#	return decode_base64($text);
#print de_base64("/OK.fbVrR/bpIqNJ5ianF.");  # binary junk
#print de_base64("bETxbD7xWUvycB.vKhKyLO"); # test_saltx012345
	'iso-8859-1|ansi!' => \$arg_ansi,
	'utf8!'            => \$arg_utf8,
	'nocomment!'       => \$arg_nocomment,
	'minlength=n'      => \$arg_minlen,
	'maxlength=n'      => \$arg_maxlen,
	'salt=s'           => \$argsalt,
	'count=n'          => \$arg_count,
	'dictfile=s'       => \$arg_dictfile
	) || usage();
sub usage {
die <<"UsageHelp";
usage: $0 [-h|-?] [-utf8|-iso-8859-1] [-option[s]] HashType [HashType2 [...]] [ < wordfile ]
    Options can be abbreviated!
    HashType is one or more (space separated) from the following list:
      [ @funcs ]
    Multiple hashtypes are done one after the other. All sample words
    are read from stdin or redirection of a wordfile
    Default is to read and write files as binary, no conversions
    -iso-8859-1   Read and write files in ISO-8859-1 encoding
    -utf8         Read and write files in UTF-8 encoding
	Options are:
    -minlen <n>   Discard lines shorter than <n> characters  (0)
    -maxlen <n>   Discard lines longer than <n> characters (128)
    -count <n>    Stop when we have produced <n> hashes   (1320)
	-salt <s>     Force a single salt (only supported in a few formats)
    -dictfile <s> Put name of dict file into the first line comment
	-nocomment    eliminate the first line comment
    -help         shows this help screen.
if (@ARGV == 0) {
	die "A format must be specified when running the script";
if ($arg_utf8 + $arg_ansi > 1) {
	die "Only one encoding can be used";
#if not a redirected file, prompt the user
if (-t STDIN) {
	print STDERR "\nEnter words to hash, one per line.\n";
	print STDERR "When all entered ^D starts the processing.\n\n";
	$arg_nocomment = 1;  # we do not output 'comment' line if writing to stdout.
# modifications to character set used.  This is to get working correctly
# with john's -utf8 switch.  Also added is code to do max length of passwords.
if ($arg_utf8) {
	if (!$arg_nocomment) { printf("#!comment: Built with using -utf8 mode, $arg_minlen to $arg_maxlen characters. dict file=$arg_dictfile\n"); }
} elsif ($arg_ansi) {
	if (!$arg_nocomment) { printf("#!comment: Built with in ISO-8859-1 character set mode, $arg_minlen to $arg_maxlen characters dict file=$arg_dictfile\n"); }
} else {
	if (!$arg_nocomment) { printf("#!comment: Built with using RAW mode, $arg_minlen to $arg_maxlen characters dict file=$arg_dictfile\n"); }
#### Data Processing Loop.  We read all candidates here, and send them to the proper hashing
#### function(s) to build into john valid input lines.
if (@ARGV == 1) {
	# if only one format (how this script SHOULD be used), then we do not slurp the file, but we
	# read STDIN line by line.  Cuts down on memory usage GREATLY within the running of the script.
	$u = 0;
	my $arg = lc $ARGV[0];
	if ($arg eq "md5_gen") { $arg = "md5_gen="; }
	if (substr($arg,0,8) eq "md5_gen=") {
		@funcs = ();
		push(@funcs, $arg = md5_gen_compile(substr($arg,8)));
	foreach (@funcs) {
		if ($arg eq lc $_) {
			if (-t STDOUT) { print "\n  ** Here are the hashes for format $_ **\n"; }
			while (<STDIN>) {
				next if (/^#!comment/);
				s/\r$//;  # strip CR for non-Windows
				my $line_len = length($_);
				next if $line_len > $arg_maxlen || $line_len < $arg_minlen;
				no strict 'refs';
				use strict;
				last if $u >= $arg_count;
} else {
	#slurp the wordlist words from stdin.  We  have to, to be able to run the same words multiple
	# times, and not interleave the format 'types' in the file.  Doing this allows us to group them.
	my @lines = <STDIN>;
	foreach (@ARGV) {
		$u = 0;
		my $arg = lc $_;
		if (substr($arg,0,8) eq "md5_gen=") {
			push(@funcs, $arg = md5_gen_compile(substr($ARGV[0],8)));
		foreach (@funcs) {
			if ($arg eq lc $_) {
				if (-t STDOUT) { print "\n  ** Here are the hashes for format $_ **\n"; }
				foreach (@lines) {
					next if (/^#!comment/);
					s/\r$//;  # strip CR for non-Windows
					my $line_len = length($_);
					next if $line_len > $arg_maxlen || $line_len < $arg_minlen;
					no strict 'refs';
					use strict;
					last if $u >= $arg_count;
# used to get salts.  Call with randstr(count[,array of valid chars] );   array is 'optional'  Default is AsciiText (UPloCase,  nums, _ )
sub randstr
	my @chr = defined($_[1]) ? @{$_[1]} : @chrAsciiTextNum;
	my $s;
	foreach (1..$_[0]) {
		$s.=$chr[rand @chr];
	return $s;
sub randbytes {
	my $ret = "";
	foreach(1 .. $_[0]) {
		$ret .= chr(rand(256));
	return $ret;
sub randusername {
	my $num = shift;
	my $user = $userNames[rand @userNames];
	if (defined($num) && $num > 0) {
		while (length($user) > $num) {
			$user = $userNames[rand @userNames];
	return $user;
# helper function needed by md5_a (or md5_1 if we were doing that one)
sub to64 #unsigned long v, int n)
	my $str, my $n = $_[1], my $v = $_[0];
	while (--$n >= 0) {
		$str .= $i64[$v & 0x3F];
		$v >>= 6;
	return $str;
# helper function for nsldap and nsldaps
sub ns_base64 {
	my $ret = "";
	my $n; my @ha = split(//,$h);
	for ($i = 0; $i <= $_[0]; ++$i) {
		# the first one gets some unitialized at times.
		#$n = ord($ha[$i*3+2]) | (ord($ha[$i*3+1])<<8)  | (ord($ha[$i*3])<<16);
		$n = ord($ha[$i*3])<<16;
		if (@ha > $i*3+1) {$n |= (ord($ha[$i*3+1])<<8);}
		if (@ha > $i*3+2) {$n |= ord($ha[$i*3+2]);}
		$ret .= "$ns_i64[($n>>18)&0x3F]";
		if ($_[1] == 3 && $i == $_[0]) { $ret .= "="; }
		else {$ret .= "$ns_i64[($n>>12)&0x3F]"; }
		if ($_[1] > 1 && $i == $_[0]) { $ret .= "="; }
		else {$ret .= "$ns_i64[($n>>6)&0x3F]"; }
		if ($_[1] > 0 && $i == $_[0]) { $ret .= "="; }
		else {$ret .= "$ns_i64[$n&0x3F]"; }
	return $ret;
#helper function for ns
sub ns_base64_2 {
	my $ret = "";
	my $n; my @ha = split(//,$h);
	for ($i = 0; $i < $_[0]; ++$i) {
		# the first one gets some unitialized at times..  Same as the fix in ns_base64
		#$n = ord($ha[$i*2+1]) | (ord($ha[$i*2])<<8);
		$n = ord($ha[$i*2])<<8;
		if (@ha > $i*2+1) { $n |= ord($ha[$i*2+1]); }
		$ret .= "$ns_i64[($n>>12)&0xF]";
		$ret .= "$ns_i64[($n>>6)&0x3F]";
		$ret .= "$ns_i64[$n&0x3F]";
	return $ret;
# helper function to convert binary to hex.  Many formats store salts and such in hex
sub saltToHex {
	my $ret = "";
	my @sa = split(//,$salt);
	for ($i = 0; $i < $_[0]; ++$i) {
		$ret .= $chrHexLo[ord($sa[$i])>>4];
		$ret .= $chrHexLo[ord($sa[$i])&0xF];
	return $ret;
# Here are the encryption subroutines.
#  the format of ALL of these is:    function(password)
#  all salted formats choose 'random' salts, in one way or another.
sub des {
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt->new(passphrase => $_[0], salt_random => 12);
	print "u$u-DES:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub bigcrypt {
	if (length($_[0]) > 8) {
		$h = Authen::Passphrase::BigCrypt->new(passphrase => $_[0], salt_random => 12);
		print "u$u-DES_BigCrypt:", $h->salt_base64_2, $h->hash_base64, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub bsdi {
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::DESCrypt->new(passphrase => $_[0], fold => 1, nrounds => 725, salt_random => 24);
	print "u$u-BSDI:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub md5_1 {
	if (length($_[0]) > 15) { print "Warning, john can only handle 15 byte passwords for this format!\n"; }
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::MD5Crypt->new(passphrase => $_[0], salt_random => 1);
	print "u$u-MD5:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub bfx_fix_pass {
	my $pass = $_[0];
	my $i;
	for ($i = 0; $i < length($pass); $i++) {
	   my $s = substr($pass, $i, 1);
	   last if (ord($s) >= 0x80);
	if ($i == length($pass)) { return $pass; } # if no high bits set, then the error would NOT show up.
	my $pass_ret = "";
	# Ok, now do the logic from 'broken' BF_std_set_key().
	# When we get to a 4 byte limb, that has (limb&0xFF) == 0, we return the accumlated string, minus that last null.
	my $BF_word; my $ptr=0;
	for ($i = 0; $i < 18; $i++) {  # BF_Rounds is 16, so 16+2 is 18
		$BF_word = 0;
		for (my $j = 0; $j < 4; $j++) {
			$BF_word <<= 8;
			my $c;
			if ($ptr < length($pass)) {
				$c = substr($pass, $ptr, 1);
				if (ord($c) > 0x80) {
					$BF_word = 0xFFFFFF00;
				$BF_word |= ord($c);
			if ($ptr < length($pass)) { $ptr++; }
			else { $ptr = 0; }
		$pass_ret .= chr(($BF_word&0xFF000000)>>24);
		$pass_ret .= chr(($BF_word&0x00FF0000)>>16);
		$pass_ret .= chr(($BF_word&0x0000FF00)>>8);
		if ( ($BF_word & 0xFF) == 0) {
			# done  (uncomment to see just 'what' the password is.  i.e. the hex string of the password)
			#print unpack("H*", $pass_ret) . "\n";
			return $pass_ret;
		$pass_ret .= chr($BF_word&0xFF);
sub bfx {
	my $fixed_pass = bfx_fix_pass($_[0]);
	if ($argsalt && length($argsalt)==16) {
		$h = Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt->new(passphrase => $fixed_pass, cost => 5, salt => $argsalt);
	else {
		$h = Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt->new(passphrase => $fixed_pass, cost => 5, salt_random => 1);
	my $hash_str = $h->as_crypt;
	$hash_str =~ s/\$2a\$/\$2x\$/;
	print "u$u-BF:", $hash_str, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub bf {
	if ($argsalt && length($argsalt)==16) {
		$h = Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt->new(passphrase => $_[0], cost => 5, salt => $argsalt);
	else {
		$h = Authen::Passphrase::BlowfishCrypt->new(passphrase => $_[0], cost => 5, salt_random => 1);
	print "u$u-BF:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub bfegg {
	if (length($_[0]) > 0) {
		$h = Authen::Passphrase::EggdropBlowfish->new(passphrase => $_[0] );
		print "u$u-BFegg:+", $h->hash_base64, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub rawmd5 {
	print "u$u-RawMD5:", md5_hex($_[0]), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub rawmd5u {
	print "u$u-RawMD5-unicode:", md5_hex(encode("UTF-16LE",$_[0])), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub rawsha1 {
	print "u$u-RawSHA1:", sha1_hex($_[0]), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub rawsha1u {
	print "u$u-RawSHA1-unicode:", sha1_hex(encode("UTF-16LE",$_[0])), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub mscash {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randusername(19);
	print "$salt:", md4_hex(md4(encode("UTF-16LE",$_[0])).encode("UTF-16LE", lc($salt))),
			":$u:0:$_[0]:mscash (uname is salt):\n";
sub mscash2 {
	# max username (salt) length is supposed to be 19 characters (in John)
	# max password length is 27 characters (in John)
	# the algorithm lowercases the salt
	my $user;
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$user = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$user = randusername(22);
	$salt = encode("UTF-16LE", lc($user));
	my $pbkdf2 = Crypt::PBKDF2->new(
		hash_class => 'HMACSHA1',
		iterations => 10240,
		output_len => 16,
		salt_len => length($salt),
	# Crypt::PBKDF2 hex output is buggy, we do it ourselves!
	print "$user:", unpack("H*", $pbkdf2->PBKDF2($salt,md4(md4(encode("UTF-16LE",$_[0])).$salt))),
sub lm {
	my $s = $_[0];
	if (length($s)>14) { $s = substr($s,14);}
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::LANManager->new(passphrase => length($s) <= 14 ? $s : "");
	print "u$u-LM:$u:", $h->hash_hex, ":$u:0:", uc $s, "::\n";
sub nt { #$utf8mode=0, $utf8_pass;
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $_[0]);
	print "u$u-NT:\$NT\$", $h->hash_hex, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub pwdump {
	my $lm = Authen::Passphrase::LANManager->new(passphrase => length($_[0]) <= 14 ? $_[0] : "");
	my $nt = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $_[0]);
	print "u$u-pwdump:$u:", $lm->hash_hex, ":", $nt->hash_hex, ":$_[0]::\n";
sub rawmd4 {
	print "u$u-RawMD4:", md4_hex($_[0]), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub mediawiki {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(8);
	print "u$u-mediawiki:\$B\$" . $salt . "\$" . md5_hex($salt . "-" . md5_hex($_[0])) . ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub phpass {
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::PHPass->new(cost => 11, salt_random => 1, passphrase => $_[0]);
	print "u$u-PHPass:", $h->as_crypt, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub po {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		if ($argsalt.length() == 32) { $salt = $argsalt; }
		else { $salt = md5_hex($argsalt); }
	} else {
		$salt=randstr(32, \@chrHexLo);
	print "u$u-PO:", md5_hex($salt . "Y" . $_[0] . "\xF7" . $salt), "$salt:$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub md5_a_hash {
	# not 'native' in the Authen::MD5Crypt (but should be!!!)
	# NOTE, this function is about 2.5x FASTER than Authen::MD5Crypt !!!!!
	# have to use md5() function to get the 'raw' md5s, and do our 1000 loops.
	# md5("a","b","c") == md5("abc");
	my $b, my $c, my $tmp;
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	#create $b
	$b = md5($_[0],$salt,$_[0]);
	#create $a
	$tmp = $_[0] . q"$apr1$" . $salt;  # if this is $1$ then we have 'normal' BSD MD5
	for ($i = length($_[0]); $i > 0; $i -= 16) {
		if ($i > 16) { $tmp .= $b; }
		else { $tmp .= substr($b,0,$i); }
	for ($i = length($_[0]); $i > 0; $i >>= 1) {
		if ($i & 1) { $tmp .= "\x0"; }
		else { $tmp .= substr($_[0],0,1); }
	$c = md5($tmp);
	# now we do 1000 iterations of md5.
	for ($i = 0; $i < 1000; ++$i) {
		if ($i&1) { $tmp = $_[0]; }
		else      { $tmp = $c; }
		if ($i%3) { $tmp .= $salt; }
		if ($i%7) { $tmp .= $_[0]; }
		if ($i&1) { $tmp .= $c; }
		else      { $tmp .= $_[0]; }
		$c = md5($tmp);
	# $c now contains the 'proper' md5 hash.  However, MD5-a (or MD5-BSD), do a strange
	# transposition and base-64 conversion. We do the same here, to get the same hash
	$i = (ord(substr($c,0,1))<<16) | (ord(substr($c,6,1))<<8) | ord(substr($c,12,1));
	$tmp = to64($i,4);
	$i = (ord(substr($c,1,1))<<16) | (ord(substr($c,7,1))<<8) | ord(substr($c,13,1));
	$tmp .= to64($i,4);
	$i = (ord(substr($c,2,1))<<16) | (ord(substr($c,8,1))<<8) | ord(substr($c,14,1));
	$tmp .= to64($i,4);
	$i = (ord(substr($c,3,1))<<16) | (ord(substr($c,9,1))<<8) | ord(substr($c,15,1));
	$tmp .= to64($i,4);
	$i = (ord(substr($c,4,1))<<16) | (ord(substr($c,10,1))<<8) | ord(substr($c,5,1));
	$tmp .= to64($i,4);
	$i =                                                         ord(substr($c,11,1));
	$tmp .= to64($i,2);
	my $ret = "\$apr1\$$salt\$$tmp";
	return $ret;
sub md5_a {
	if (length($_[0]) > 15) { print "Warning, john can only handle 15 byte passwords for this format!\n"; }
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	$h = md5_a_hash($_[0], $salt);
	print "u$u-md5a:$h:$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub binToHex {
	my $bin = shift;
	my $ret = "";
	my @sa = split(//,$bin);
	for ($i = 0; $i < length($bin); ++$i) {
		$ret .= $chrHexLo[ord($sa[$i])>>4];
		$ret .= $chrHexLo[ord($sa[$i])&0xF];
	return $ret;
sub _hmacmd5 {
	my ($key, $data) = @_;
	my $ipad; my $opad;
	for ($i = 0; $i < length($key); ++$i) {
		$ipad .= chr(ord(substr($key, $i, 1)) ^ 0x36);
		$opad .= chr(ord(substr($key, $i, 1)) ^ 0x5C);
	while ($i++ < 64) {
		$ipad .= chr(0x36);
		$opad .= chr(0x5C);
	return md5($opad,md5($ipad,$data));
sub hmacmd5 {
	# now uses _hmacmd5 instead of being done inline.
	$salt = randstr(32);
	my $bin = _hmacmd5($_[0], $salt);
	print "u$u-hmacMD5:$salt#", binToHex($bin), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub mskrb5 {
	my $password = shift;
	my $datestring = sprintf('20%02u%02u%02u%02u%02u%02uZ', rand(100), rand(12)+1, rand(31)+1, rand(24), rand(60), rand(60));
	my $timestamp = randbytes(14) . $datestring . randbytes(7);
	my $K = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $password)->hash;
	my $K1 = _hmacmd5($K, pack('N', 0x01000000));
	my $K2 = _hmacmd5($K1, $timestamp);
	my $K3 = _hmacmd5($K1, $K2);
	my $encrypted = RC4($K3, $timestamp);
	printf("%s:\$mskrb5\$\$\$%s\$%s:::%s:%s\n", "u$u-mskrb5", binToHex($K2), binToHex($encrypted), $password, $datestring);
sub ipb2 {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(5);
	print "u$u-IPB2:\$IPB2\$", saltToHex(5);
	print "\$", md5_hex(md5_hex($salt), md5_hex($_[0])), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub phps {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(3);
	print "u$u-PHPS:\$PHPS\$", saltToHex(3);
	print "\$", md5_hex(md5_hex($_[0]), $salt), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub md4p {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(8);
	print "u$u-MD4p:\$MD4p\$$salt\$", md4_hex($salt, $_[0]), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";;
sub md4s {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(8);
	print "u$u-MD4s:\$MD4s\$$salt\$", md4_hex($_[0], $salt), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";;
sub sha1p {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(8);
	print "u$u-SHA1p:\$SHA1p\$$salt\$", sha1_hex($salt, $_[0]), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";;
sub sha1s {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(8);
	print "u$u-SHA1s:\$SHA1s\$$salt\$", sha1_hex($_[0], $salt), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";;
sub mysqlsha1 {
	print "u$u-mysqlSHA1:*", sha1_hex(sha1($_[0])), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub mysql{
	my $nr=0x50305735;
	my $nr2=0x12345671;
	my $add=7;
	for (my $i = 0; $i < length($_[0]); ++$i) {
		my $ch = substr($_[0], $i, 1);
		if ( !($ch eq ' ' || $ch eq '\t') ) {
			my $charNum = ord($ch);
			# since perl is big num, we need to force some 32 bit truncation
			# at certain 'points' in the algorithm, by doing &= 0xffffffff
			$nr ^= ((($nr & 63)+$add)*$charNum) + (($nr << 8)&0xffffffff);
			$nr2 += ( (($nr2 << 8)&0xffffffff) ^ $nr);
			$add += $charNum;
	printf("u%d-mysq:%08x%08x:%d:0:%s::\n", $u, ($nr & 0x7fffffff), ($nr2 & 0x7fffffff), $u, $_[0]);
sub pixmd5 {
	my $pass = $_[0];
	if (length($pass)>16) { $pass = substr($pass,0,16); }
	my $pass_padd = $pass;
	while (length($pass_padd) < 16) { $pass_padd .= "\x0"; }
	my $c = md5($pass_padd);
	$h = "";
	for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i+=4) {
		my $n = ord(substr($c,$i,1))|(ord(substr($c,$i+1,1))<<8)|(ord(substr($c,$i+2,1))<<16);
		$h .= $i64[$n       & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>6)  & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>12) & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>18) & 0x3f];
	print "u$u-pixmd5:$h:$u:0:", $pass, "::\n";
sub mssql05 {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	print "u$u-mssql05:0x0100", uc saltToHex(4);
	print uc sha1_hex(encode("UTF-16LE", $_[0]).$salt), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub mssql {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	print "u$u-mssql:0x0100", uc saltToHex(4);
	print uc sha1_hex(encode("UTF-16LE", $_[0]).$salt) . uc sha1_hex(encode("UTF-16LE", uc $_[0]).$salt), ":$u:0:" . uc $_[0] . ":" . $_[0] . ":\n";
sub nsldap {
	$h = sha1($_[0]);
	print "u$u-nsldap:{SHA}", ns_base64(6,1), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub nsldaps {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	$h = sha1($_[0],$salt);
	$h .= $salt;
	print "u$u-nsldap:{SSHA}", ns_base64(9,2), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub openssha {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	$h = sha1($_[0],$salt);
	$h .= $salt;
	print "u$u-openssha:{SSHA}", ns_base64(7,0), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub ns {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt=randstr(3 + rand 4, \@chrHexLo);
	$h = md5($salt, ":Administration Tools:", $_[0]);
	my $hh = ns_base64_2(8);
	substr($hh, 0, 0) = 'n';
	substr($hh, 6, 0) = 'r';
	substr($hh, 12, 0) = 'c';
	substr($hh, 17, 0) = 's';
	substr($hh, 23, 0) = 't';
	substr($hh, 29, 0) = 'n';
	print "u$u-ns:$salt\$", $hh, ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub xsha {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	print "u$u-xsha:", uc saltToHex(4), uc sha1_hex($salt, $_[0]), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub oracle {
	# snagged perl source from
	my $username;
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$username = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$username = randusername(16);
	my $pass = $_[0];
#	print "orig = " . $username . $pass . "\n";
#	print "upcs = " . uc($username.$pass) . "\n\n";
	my $userpass = pack('n*', unpack('C*', uc($username.$pass)));
	$userpass .= pack('C', 0) while (length($userpass) % 8);
	my $key = pack('H*', "0123456789ABCDEF");
	my $iv = pack('H*', "0000000000000000");
	my $cr1 = new Crypt::CBC(	-literal_key => 1, -cipher => "DES", -key => $key, -iv => $iv, -header => "none" );
	my $key2 = substr($cr1->encrypt($userpass), length($userpass)-8, 8);
	my $cr2 = new Crypt::CBC( -literal_key => 1, -cipher => "DES", -key => $key2, -iv => $iv, -header => "none" );
	my $hash = substr($cr2->encrypt($userpass), length($userpass)-8, 8);
	print "$username:", uc(unpack('H*', $hash)), ":$u:0:$pass:oracle_des_hash:\n";
sub oracle11 {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	print "u$u-oracle11:", uc sha1_hex($_[0], $salt), uc saltToHex(10), ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub hdaa {
	# same as md5_gen(21)
	#  	{"$response$679066476e67b5c7c4e88f04be567f8b$user$myrealm$GET$/$8c12bd8f728afe56d45a0ce846b70e5a$00000001$4b61913cec32e2c9$auth", "nocode"},
	my $user = randusername(20);
	my $nonce = randstr(32, \@chrHexLo);
	my $clientNonce = randstr(16, \@chrHexLo);
	my $h1 = md5_hex($user, ":myrealm:", $_[0]);
	my $h2 = md5_hex("GET:/");
	my $resp = md5_hex($h1, ":", $nonce, ":00000001:", $clientNonce, ":auth:", $h2);
	print "u$u-HDAA:\$response\$$resp\$$user\$myrealm\$GET\$/\$$nonce\$00000001\$$clientNonce\$auth:$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub setup_des_key
	my @key_56 = split(//, shift);
	my $key = "";
	$key = $key_56[0];
	$key .= chr(((ord($key_56[0]) << 7) | (ord($key_56[1]) >> 1)) & 255);
	$key .= chr(((ord($key_56[1]) << 6) | (ord($key_56[2]) >> 2)) & 255);
	$key .= chr(((ord($key_56[2]) << 5) | (ord($key_56[3]) >> 3)) & 255);
	$key .= chr(((ord($key_56[3]) << 4) | (ord($key_56[4]) >> 4)) & 255);
	$key .= chr(((ord($key_56[4]) << 3) | (ord($key_56[5]) >> 5)) & 255);
	$key .= chr(((ord($key_56[5]) << 2) | (ord($key_56[6]) >> 6)) & 255);
	$key .= chr((ord($key_56[6]) << 1) & 255);
	return $key;
# This produces only NETNTLM ESS hashes, in L0phtcrack format
sub netntlm_ess {
	my $password = shift;
	my $domain = randstr(rand(15)+1);
	my $nthash = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $password)->hash;
	$nthash .= "\x00"x5;
	my $s_challenge = randbytes(8);
	my $c_challenge = randbytes(8);
	my $challenge = substr(md5($s_challenge.$c_challenge), 0, 8);
	my $ntresp = Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash, 0, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	$ntresp .= Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash, 7, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	$ntresp .= Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash, 14, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	my $type = "ntlm ESS";
	my $lmresp = $c_challenge . "\0"x16;
	printf("%s\\%s:::%s:%s:%s::%s:%s\n", $domain, "u$u-netntlm", binToHex($lmresp), binToHex($ntresp), binToHex($s_challenge), $password, $type);
# This produces NETHALFLM, NETLM and non-ESS NETNTLM hashes in L0pthcrack format
sub l0phtcrack {
    my $password = shift;
	my $domain = randstr(rand(15)+1);
	my $nthash = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $password)->hash;
	$nthash .= "\x00"x5;
	my $lmhash; my $lmresp;
	my $challenge = randbytes(8);
	my $ntresp = Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash, 0, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	$ntresp .= Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash, 7, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	$ntresp .= Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash, 14, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	my $type;
	if ($arg_utf8 or length($password) > 14) {
		$type = "ntlm only";
		$lmresp = $ntresp;
	} else {
		$type = "lm and ntlm";
		$lmhash = Authen::Passphrase::LANManager->new(passphrase => $password)->hash;
		$lmhash .= "\x00"x5;
		$lmresp = Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($lmhash, 0, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
		$lmresp .= Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($lmhash, 7, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
		$lmresp .= Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($lmhash, 14, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	printf("%s\\%s:::%s:%s:%s::%s:%s\n", $domain, "u$u-netntlm", binToHex($lmresp), binToHex($ntresp), binToHex($challenge), $password, $type);
sub netlmv2 {
	my $pwd = shift;
	my $nthash = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $pwd)->hash;
	my $domain = randstr(rand(15)+1);
	my $user = randusername(20);
	my $identity = Encode::encode("UTF-16LE", uc($user).$domain);
	my $s_challenge = randbytes(8);
	my $c_challenge = randbytes(8);
	my $lmresponse = _hmacmd5(_hmacmd5($nthash, $identity), $s_challenge.$c_challenge);
	printf("%s\\%s:::%s:%s:%s::%s:netlmv2\n", $domain, $user, binToHex($s_challenge), binToHex($lmresponse), binToHex($c_challenge), $pwd);
sub netntlmv2 {
	my $pwd = shift;
	my $nthash = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $pwd)->hash;
	my $domain = randstr(rand(15)+1);
	my $user = randusername(20);
	my $identity = Encode::encode("UTF-16LE", uc($user).$domain);
	my $s_challenge = randbytes(8);
	my $c_challenge = randbytes(8);
	my $temp = '\x01\x01' . "\x00"x6 . randbytes(8) . $c_challenge . "\x00"x4 . randbytes(20*rand()+1) . '\x00';
	my $ntproofstr = _hmacmd5(_hmacmd5($nthash, $identity), $s_challenge.$temp);
	# $ntresponse = $ntproofstr.$temp but we separate them with a :
	printf("%s\\%s:::%s:%s:%s::%s:netntlmv2\n", $domain, $user, binToHex($s_challenge), binToHex($ntproofstr), binToHex($temp), $pwd);
sub mschapv2 {
	my $pwd = shift;
	my $nthash = Authen::Passphrase::NTHash->new(passphrase => $pwd)->hash;
	my $user = "u-$u-mschapv2"; #randusername() did not work here! Something with user '01234' being treated as a number in $ctx->add() it seems.
	my $a_challenge = randbytes(16);
	my $p_challenge = randbytes(16);
	my $ctx = Digest::SHA->new('sha1');
	my $challenge = substr($ctx->digest, 0, 8);
	my $response = Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash, 0, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	$response .= Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash, 7, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	$response .= Crypt::ECB::encrypt(setup_des_key(substr($nthash . "\x00" x 5, 14, 7)), 'DES', $challenge, PADDING_NONE);
	printf("%s:::%s:%s:%s::%s:netntlmv2\n", $user, binToHex($a_challenge), binToHex($response), binToHex($p_challenge), $pwd);
#  MD5_Gen code.  Quite a large block.  Many 'fixed' formats, and then a parser
sub md5_gen_7 { #md5_gen(7) --> md5(md5($p).$s)
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(3);
	print "u$u-md5gen(7)"."\x1F"."md5_gen(7)", md5_hex(md5_hex($_[0]), $salt), "\$$salt"."\x1F"."$u"."\x1F"."0"."\x1F"."$_[0]"."\x1F"."\x1F"."\n";
sub md5_gen_17 { #md5_gen(17) --> phpass ($P$ or $H$)	phpass
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::PHPass->new(cost => 11, salt_random => 1, passphrase => $_[0]);
	my $hh = $h->as_crypt;
	$salt = substr($hh,3,9);
	print "u$u-md5gen(17):md5_gen(17)", substr($hh,12), "\$$salt:$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub md5_gen_19 { #md5_gen(19) --> Cisco PIX (MD5)
	my $pass;
	if (length($_[0])>16) { $pass = substr($_[0],0,16); } else { $pass = $_[0]; }
	my $pass_padd = $pass;
	while (length($pass_padd) < 16) { $pass_padd .= "\x0"; }
	my $c = md5($pass_padd);
	$h = "";
	for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i+=4) {
		my $n = ord(substr($c,$i,1))|(ord(substr($c,$i+1,1))<<8)|(ord(substr($c,$i+2,1))<<16);
		$h .= $i64[$n       & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>6)  & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>12) & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>18) & 0x3f];
	print "u$u-md5gen(19):md5_gen(19)$h:$u:0:", $pass, "::\n";
sub md5_gen_20 { #md5_gen(20) --> Cisco PIX (MD5 salted)
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
		if (length($salt) > 4) { $salt = substr($salt,0,4); }
	} else {
		$salt = randstr(4);
	my $pass;
	if (length($_[0])>12) { $pass = substr($_[0],0,12); } else { $pass = $_[0]; }
	my $pass_padd = $pass . $salt;
	while (length($pass_padd) < 16) { $pass_padd .= "\x0"; }
	my $c = md5($pass_padd);
	$h = "";
	for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i+=4) {
		my $n = ord(substr($c,$i,1))|(ord(substr($c,$i+1,1))<<8)|(ord(substr($c,$i+2,1))<<16);
		$h .= $i64[$n       & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>6)  & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>12) & 0x3f];
		$h .= $i64[($n>>18) & 0x3f];
	print "u$u-md5gen(20):md5_gen(20)$h\$$salt:$u:0:", $pass, "::\n";
sub md5_gen_21 { #HDAA HTTP Digest  access authentication
	#digest authentication scheme :
	#H1 = md5(user:realm:password)
	#H2 = md5(method:digestURI)
	#response = H3 = md5(h1:nonce:nonceCount:ClientNonce:qop:h2)
	my $user = randusername(20);
	my $nonce = randstr(32, \@chrHexLo);
	my $clientNonce = randstr(16, \@chrHexLo);
	my $h1 = md5_hex($user, ":myrealm:", $_[0]);
	my $h2 = md5_hex("GET:/");
	my $resp = md5_hex($h1, ":", $nonce, ":00000001:", $clientNonce, ":auth:", $h2);
	print "$user:md5_gen(21)$resp\$$nonce\$\$U$user\$\$F2myrealm\$\$F3GET\$/\$\$F400000001\$$clientNonce\$auth:$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub md5_gen_27 { #md5_gen(27) --> OpenBSD MD5
	if (length($_[0]) > 15) { print "Warning, john can only handle 15 byte passwords for this format!\n"; }
	$h = Authen::Passphrase::MD5Crypt->new(salt_random => 1, passphrase => $_[0]);
	my $hh = $h->as_crypt;
	$salt = substr($hh,3,8);
	print "u$u-md5gen(27):md5_gen(27)", substr($hh,12), "\$$salt:$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub md5_gen_28 { # Apache MD5
	if (length($_[0]) > 15) { print "Warning, john can only handle 15 byte passwords for this format!\n"; }
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		$salt = $argsalt;
	} else {
	$h = md5_a_hash($_[0], $salt);
	print "u$u-md5gen(28):md5_gen(28)", substr($h,15), "\$$salt:$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
sub md5_gen_compile {
	my $md5_gen_args = $_[0];
	if (length($md5_gen_args) == 0) {
		print "usage: $0 [-h|-?] HashType ... [ < wordfile ]\n";
		print "\n";
		print "NOTE, for md5_gen usage:   here are the possible formats:\n";
		print "    md5_gen=#   # can be any of the built in md5_gen values. So,\n";
		print "                md5_gen=0 will output for md5(\$p) format\n";
		print "\n";
		print "    md5_gen=num=#,format=FMT_EXPR[,saltlen=#][,salt=true|ashex|tohex]\n";
		print "         [,pass=uni][,salt2len=#][,const#=value][,usrname=true|lc|uc|uni]\n";
		print "         [,single_salt=1][passcase=uc|lc]]\n";
		print "\n";
		print "The FMT_EXPR is somewhat 'normal' php type format, with some extensions.\n";
		print "    A format such as md5(\$p.\$s.md5(\$p)) is 'normal'.  Dots must be used\n";
		print "    where needed. Also, only a SINGLE expression is valid.  Using an\n";
		print "    expression such as md5(\$p).md5(\$s) is not valid.\n";
		print "    The extensions are:\n";
		print "        Added \$s2 (if 2nd salt is defined),\n";
		print "        Added \$c1 to \$c9 for constants (must be defined in const#= values)\n";
		print "        Added \$u if user name (normal, upper/lower case or unicode convert)\n";
		print "        Handle md5, sha1, and md4 algorithms.\n";
		print "        Handle MD5, SHA1 and MD4 which are hex output in uppercase.\n";
		print "        Handle md5_64, sha1_64 and md4_64 which output in 'standard'\n";
		print "          base-64 which is \"./0-9A-Za-z\"\n";
		print "        Handle md5_64e, sha1_64e and md4_64e which output in 'standard'\n";
		print "          base-64 which is \"./0-9A-Za-z\" with '=' padding up to even\n";
		print "          4 character (similar to mime-base64\n";
		print "        Handle md5_raw, sha1_raw and md4_raw which output is the 'binary'\n";
		print "          16 or 20 bytes of data.  CAN not be used as 'outside' function\n";
		print "    User names are handled by usrname=  if true, then \'normal\' user names\n";
		print "    used, if lc, then user names are converted to lowercase, if uc then\n";
		print "    they are converted to UPPER case. if uni they are converted into unicode\n";
		print "    If constants are used, then they have to start from const1= and can \n";
		print "    go up to const9= , but they need to be in order, and start from one (1).\n";
		print "    So if there are 3 constants in the expression, then the line needs to\n";
		print "    contain const1=v1,const2=v2,const3=v3 (v's replaced by proper constants)\n";
		print "    if pw=uni is used, the passwords are converted into unicode before usage\n";
	if ($md5_gen_args =~ /^[+\-]?\d*.?\d+$/) { # is $md5_gen_args a 'simple' number?
		#my $func = "md5_gen_" . $md5_gen_args;
		#return $func;
		# before we had custom functions for 'all' of the builtin's.  Now we use the compiler
		# for most of them (in the below switch statement) There are only a handful where
		# we keep the 'original' hard coded function (7,17,19,20,21,27,28)
 		my $func = "md5_gen_" . $md5_gen_args;
		my $prefmt = "num=$md5_gen_args,optimize=1,format=";
		my $fmt;
			$md5_gen_args==0  && do {$fmt='md5($p)';					last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==1  && do {$fmt='md5($p.$s),saltlen=32';		last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==2  && do {$fmt='md5(md5($p))';				last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==3  && do {$fmt='md5(md5(md5($p)))';			last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==4  && do {$fmt='md5($s.$p),saltlen=2';		last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==5  && do {$fmt='md5($s.$p.$s)';				last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==6  && do {$fmt='md5(md5($p).$s)';			last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==8  && do {$fmt='md5(md5($s).$p)';			last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==9  && do {$fmt='md5($s.md5($p))';			last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==10 && do {$fmt='md5($s.md5($s.$p))';			last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==11 && do {$fmt='md5($s.md5($p.$s))';			last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==12 && do {$fmt='md5(md5($s).md5($p))';		last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==13 && do {$fmt='md5(md5($p).md5($s))';		last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==14 && do {$fmt='md5($s.md5($p).$s)';			last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==15 && do {$fmt='md5($u.md5($p).$s)';			last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==16 && do {$fmt='md5(md5(md5($p).$s).$s2)';	last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==18 && do {$fmt='md5($s.$c1.$p.$c2.$s),const1=Y,const2='."\xf7".',salt=ashex'; last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==22 && do {$fmt='md5(sha1($p))';				last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==23 && do {$fmt='sha1(md5($p))';				last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==24 && do {$fmt='sha1($p.$s)';				last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==25 && do {$fmt='sha1($s.$p)';				last SWITCH; };
			$md5_gen_args==26 && do {$fmt='sha1($p)';					last SWITCH; };
			# 7, 17, 19, 20, 21, 27, 28 are still handled by 'special' functions.
			return $func;
		# allow the generic compiler to handle these types.
		$md5_gen_args = $prefmt.$fmt;
	# now compile.
	#return the name of the function to run the compiled pcode.
	return "md5_gen_run_compiled_pcode";
sub do_md5_gen_GetToken {
	# parses next token.
	# the token is placed on the gen_toks array as the 'new' token.
	#  the return is the rest of the string (not tokenized yet)
	# if there is an error, then "tok_bad" (X) is pushed on to the top of the gen_toks array.
	$gen_lastTokIsFunc = 0;
	my $exprStr = $_[0];
	if (!defined($exprStr) || length($exprStr) == 0) { push(@gen_toks, "X"); return $exprStr; }
	my $stmp = substr($exprStr, 0, 1);
 	if ($stmp eq ".") { push(@gen_toks, "."); return substr($exprStr, 1); }
	if ($stmp eq "(") { push(@gen_toks, "("); return substr($exprStr, 1); }
	if ($stmp eq ")") { push(@gen_toks, ")"); return substr($exprStr, 1); }
	if ($stmp eq '$') {
		$stmp = substr($exprStr, 0, 2);
		if ($stmp eq '$p') { push(@gen_toks, "p"); return substr($exprStr, 2); }
		if ($stmp eq '$u') { push(@gen_toks, "u"); return substr($exprStr, 2); }
		if ($stmp eq '$s') {
			if (substr($exprStr, 0, 3) eq '$s2')
				push(@gen_toks, "S");
				return substr($exprStr, 3);
			push(@gen_toks, "s");
			return substr($exprStr, 2);
		if ($stmp ne '$c') { push(@gen_toks, "X"); return $exprStr; }
		$stmp = substr($exprStr, 2, 1);
		if ($stmp eq "1") { push(@gen_toks, "1"); if (!defined($gen_c[0])) {print "\$c1 found, but no constant1 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if ($stmp eq "2") { push(@gen_toks, "2"); if (!defined($gen_c[1])) {print "\$c2 found, but no constant2 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if ($stmp eq "3") { push(@gen_toks, "3"); if (!defined($gen_c[2])) {print "\$c3 found, but no constant3 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if ($stmp eq "4") { push(@gen_toks, "4"); if (!defined($gen_c[3])) {print "\$c4 found, but no constant4 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if ($stmp eq "5") { push(@gen_toks, "5"); if (!defined($gen_c[4])) {print "\$c5 found, but no constant5 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if ($stmp eq "6") { push(@gen_toks, "6"); if (!defined($gen_c[5])) {print "\$c6 found, but no constant6 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if ($stmp eq "7") { push(@gen_toks, "7"); if (!defined($gen_c[6])) {print "\$c7 found, but no constant7 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if ($stmp eq "8") { push(@gen_toks, "8"); if (!defined($gen_c[7])) {print "\$c8 found, but no constant8 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if ($stmp eq "9") { push(@gen_toks, "9"); if (!defined($gen_c[8])) {print "\$c9 found, but no constant9 loaded\n"; die; } return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		push(@gen_toks, "X");
		return $exprStr;
	$stmp = uc substr($exprStr, 0, 3);
	if ($stmp eq "MD5") {
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 7) eq "md5_64e") { push(@gen_toks, "f5e"); return substr($exprStr, 7); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 6) eq "md5_64")  { push(@gen_toks, "f56"); return substr($exprStr, 6); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 3) eq "md5")     { push(@gen_toks, "f5h"); return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 3) eq "MD5")     { push(@gen_toks, "f5H"); return substr($exprStr, 3); }
	} elsif ($stmp eq "SHA") {
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 8) eq "sha1_64e"){ push(@gen_toks, "f1e"); return substr($exprStr, 8); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 7) eq "sha1_64") { push(@gen_toks, "f16"); return substr($exprStr, 7); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 4) eq "SHA1")    { push(@gen_toks, "f1H"); return substr($exprStr, 4); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 4) eq "sha1")    { push(@gen_toks, "f1h"); return substr($exprStr, 4); }
	} elsif ($stmp eq "MD4") {
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 7) eq "md4_64e") { push(@gen_toks, "f4e"); return substr($exprStr, 7); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 6) eq "md4_64")  { push(@gen_toks, "f46"); return substr($exprStr, 6); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 3) eq "md4")     { push(@gen_toks, "f4h"); return substr($exprStr, 3); }
		if (substr($exprStr, 0, 3) eq "MD4")     { push(@gen_toks, "f4H"); return substr($exprStr, 3); }
	$gen_lastTokIsFunc=2; # a func, but can NOT be the 'outside' function.
	if (substr($exprStr, 0, 7) eq "md5_raw")  { push(@gen_toks, "f5r"); return substr($exprStr, 7); }
	if (substr($exprStr, 0, 8) eq "sha1_raw") { push(@gen_toks, "f1r"); return substr($exprStr, 8); }
	if (substr($exprStr, 0, 7) eq "md4_raw")  { push(@gen_toks, "f4r"); return substr($exprStr, 7); }
	push(@gen_toks, "X");
	return $exprStr;
sub do_md5_gen_LexiError {
	print STDERR "Syntax Error around this part of expression:\n";
	print STDERR "$hash_format\n";
	my $v = (length($hash_format) - length($_[0]));
	if ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] ne "X") { --$v; }
	print STDERR " " x $v;
	print STDERR "^\n";
	if ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "X") { print STDERR "Invalid token found\n"; }
	elsif (defined $_[1]) { print STDERR "$_[1]\n"; }
sub do_md5_gen_Lexi {
	# tokenizes the string, and syntax validates that it IS valid.
	my $fmt = do_md5_gen_GetToken($hash_format);
	if ($gen_lastTokIsFunc!=1) {
		print "The expression MUST start with an md5/md4/sha1 type function.  This one starts with: $_[0]\n";  die;
	my $paren = 0;
	while ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] ne "X") {
		if ($gen_lastTokIsFunc) {
			$fmt = do_md5_gen_GetToken($fmt);
			if ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] ne "(") {
				do_md5_gen_LexiError($fmt, "A ( MUST follow one of the hash function names"); die;
		if ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "(") {
			$fmt = do_md5_gen_GetToken($fmt);
			if ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "X" || $gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "." || $gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "(" || $gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq ")") {
				do_md5_gen_LexiError($fmt, "Invalid character following the ( char"); die;
		if ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq ")") {
			if ( length($fmt) == 0) {
				if ($paren == 0) {
					# The format is VALID, and proper syntax checking fully done.
					# if we want to dump the token table:
					#for (my $i = 0; $i < @gen_toks; ++$i) {
					#   print "$gen_toks[$i]\n";
					return @gen_toks; # return the count
				do_md5_gen_LexiError($fmt, "Error, not enough ) characters at end of expression"); die;
			if ($paren == 0) {
				do_md5_gen_LexiError($fmt, "Error, reached the matching ) to the initial (, but there is still more expression left."); die;
			$fmt = do_md5_gen_GetToken($fmt);
			unless ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "." || $gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq ")") {
				do_md5_gen_LexiError($fmt, "The only things valid to follow a ) char, are a . or another )"); die;
		if ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq ".") {
			$fmt = do_md5_gen_GetToken($fmt);
			if ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "X" || $gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "." || $gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq "(" || $gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq ")") {
				do_md5_gen_LexiError($fmt, "invalid character following the . character"); die;
		# some 'string op
		$fmt = do_md5_gen_GetToken($fmt);
		unless ($gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq ")" || $gen_toks[@gen_toks - 1] eq ".") {
			do_md5_gen_LexiError($fmt, "Only a dot '.' or a ) can follow a string type token"); die;
sub md5_gen_compile_to_pcode {
	$gen_s = ""; $gen_u = ""; $gen_s2 = "";
	my $md5_gen_args = $_[0];
	# ok, not a specific version, so we use 'this' format:
	# md5_gen=num=1,salt=true,saltlen=8,format=md5(md5(md5($p.$s).$p).$s)
	# which at this point, we would 'see' in md5_gen_args:
	# num=1,salt=true,saltlen=8,format=md5(md5(md5($p.$s).$p).$s)
	# get all of the params into a hash table.
	my %hash;
	my @opts = split(/,/,$md5_gen_args);
	foreach my $x (@opts) {
	   my @opt = split(/=/,$x);
	   $hash {$opt[0]} = $opt[1];
	@gen_pCode = ();
	@gen_Flags = ();
	# load the values
	# Validate that the 'required' params are at least here.
	$gen_num = $hash{"num"};
	if (!defined ($gen_num )) { print "Error, num=# is REQUIRED for md5_gen\n"; die; }
	my $v = $hash{"format"};
	if (!defined ($v)) { print "Error, format=# is REQUIRED for md5_gen\n"; die; }
	$gen_singlesalt = $hash{"single_salt"};
	if (!defined($gen_singlesalt)) {$gen_singlesalt=0;}
	# load PW
	$gen_pw = $_[0];
	# load a salt.  If this is unused, then we will clear it out after parsing Lexicon
	$saltlen = $hash{"saltlen"};
	unless (defined($saltlen) && $saltlen =~ /^[+\-]?\d*.?\d+$/) { $saltlen = 8; }
	$gen_stype = $hash{"salt"};
	unless (defined($gen_stype)) { $gen_stype = "true"; }
	# load salt #2
	$salt2len = $hash{"salt2len"};
	unless (defined($salt2len) && $salt2len =~ /^[+\-]?\d*.?\d+$/) { $salt2len = 6; }
	# load user name
	$md5_gen_usernameType = $hash{"usrname"};
	if (!$md5_gen_usernameType) { $md5_gen_usernameType=0; }
	$md5_gen_passType = $hash{"pass"};
	if (!defined ($md5_gen_passType) || $md5_gen_passType ne "uni") {$md5_gen_passType="";}
	my $pass_case = $hash{"passcase"};
	if (defined($pass_case)) {
		if ( (lc $pass_case) eq "lc") { $gen_PWCase = "L"; }
		if ( (lc $pass_case) eq "uc") { $gen_PWCase = "U"; }
	# load constants
	for (my $n = 1; $n <= 9; ++$n) {
		my $c = "const" . $n;
		$v = $hash{$c};
		if (defined($v)) { push(@gen_c, $v); }
		else {last;}
	$debug_pcode = $hash{"debug"};
	if (!$debug_pcode) { $debug_pcode=0; }
	$hash_format = $hash{"format"};
	my $optimize = $hash{"optimize"};
	if (defined($optimize) && $optimize > 0) {md5_gen_compile_Optimize1();}
	# syntax check, and load the expression into our token table.
	unless (@gen_toks > 3) { print "Error, the format= of the expression was missing, or NOT valid\n"; die; }
 	# now clean up salt, salt2, user, etc if they were NOT part of the expression:
	$v = $saltlen; $saltlen=0;
	foreach(@gen_toks) { if ($_ eq "s") {$saltlen=$v;last;} }
	foreach(@gen_toks) { if ($_ eq "u") {$gen_u_do=1;last;} }
	$v = $salt2len; $salt2len=0;
	foreach(@gen_toks) { if ($_ eq "S") {$salt2len=$v;last;} }
	# this function actually BUILDS the pcode.
	$gen_needs = 0; $gen_needs2 = 0; $gen_needu = 0;
	md5_gen_compile_expression_to_pcode(0, @gen_toks-1);
	if (defined($optimize) && $optimize > 1) {md5_gen_compile_Optimize2();}
	# dump pcode
	if ($debug_pcode) {	foreach (@gen_Flags) { print STDERR "Flag=$_\n"; } }
	if ($debug_pcode) {	foreach (@gen_pCode) { print STDERR "$_\n"; } }
sub md5_gen_compile_Optimize2() {
sub md5_gen_compile_Optimize1() {
	# Look for 'salt as hash'  or 'salt as hash in salt2'
	# If ALL instances of $s are md5($s), then then we can use
	# 'salt as hash'.  If there are some md5($s), but some
	# extra $s's scattered in, and we do NOT have any $s2 then
	# we can use the 'salt as hash in salt2' optimization.
	my @positions; my $pos=0;
	while (1) {
		$pos = index($hash_format, 'md5($s)', $pos);
		last if($pos < 0);
		push(@positions, $pos++);
	if (@positions) {
		# found at least 1 md5($s)
		# now, count number of $s's, and if same, then ALL $s's are in md5($s)
		my $count = 0;
		$pos = 0;
		while (1) {
			$pos = index($hash_format, '$s', $pos) + 1;
			last if($pos < 1);
		if ($count == @positions) {
			my $from = quotemeta 'md5($s)'; my $to = '$s';
			$gen_stype = "tohex";
			push (@gen_Flags, "MGF_SALT_AS_HEX");
			if ($debug_pcode == 1) {
				print STDERR "Performing Optimization(Salt_as_hex). Changing format from\n";
				print STDERR "$hash_format\n";
			$hash_format =~ s/$from/$to/g;
			if ($debug_pcode == 1) { print STDERR "to\n$hash_format\n"; }
		else {
			# we still 'might' be able to optimize.  if there is no $s2, then
			# we can still have a salt, and use salt2 as our md5($s) preload.
			if (index($hash_format, '$s2') < 0) {
				$gen_stype = "toS2hex";
				$gen_needs2 = 1;
				my $from = quotemeta 'md5($s)'; my $to = '$s2';
				push (@gen_Flags, "MGF_SALT_AS_HEX_TO_SALT2");
				if ($debug_pcode == 1) {
					print STDERR "Performing Optimization(Salt_as_hex_to_salt2). Changing format from\n";
					print STDERR "$hash_format\n";
				$hash_format =~ s/$from/$to/g;
				if ($debug_pcode == 1) { print STDERR "to\n$hash_format\n"; }
sub md5_gen_compile_expression_to_pcode {
	# very crappy, recursive decent parser, but 'it works', lol.
	# Now, same parser, but converted into a pcode generator
	# which were very simple changes, using a stack.
	my $cur = $_[0];
	my $curend = $_[1];
	my $curTok;
	# we 'assume' it is likely that we have ( and ) wrapping the expr. We trim them off, and ignore them.
	if ($gen_toks[$cur] eq "(" && $gen_toks[$curend] eq ")") { ++$cur; --$curend; }
	while ($cur <= $curend) {
		$curTok = $gen_toks[$cur];
		if ($curTok eq ".") {
			# in this expression builder, we totally ignore these.
		if (length($curTok) > 1 && substr($curTok,0,1) eq "f")
			# find the closing ')' for this md5.
			my $tail; my $count=1;
			$tail = $cur;
			while ($count) {
				if ($gen_toks[$tail] eq "(") {++$count;}
				elsif ($gen_toks[$tail] eq ")") {--$count;}
			# OUTPUT CODE  Doing 'some'   md5($value) call   First, push a 'new' var'.  Build it, then perform the crypt
			push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_push");
			# recursion.
			my $cp = md5_gen_compile_expression_to_pcode($cur,$tail);
			$cur = $tail+1;
			# OUTPUT CODE  Now perform the 'correct' crypt.   This will do:
			#   1.  Pop the stack
			#   2. Perform crypt,
			#   3. Perform optional work (like up case, appending '=' chars, etc)
			#   4. Append the computed (and possibly tweaked) hash string to the last string in the stack.
			#   5. return the string.
			push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_".$curTok);
		if ($curTok eq "s") {
			# salt could be 'normal' or might be the md5 hex of the salt
			if ($gen_stype eq "tohex") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_sh"); }
			else { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_s"); }
			$gen_needs = 1;
		if ($curTok eq "p") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_p" . $gen_PWCase); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "S") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_S"); ++$cur; $gen_needs2 = 1; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "u") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_u"); ++$cur; $gen_needu = 1; next; }
 		if ($curTok eq "1") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_1"); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "2") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_2"); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "3") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_3"); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "4") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_4"); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "5") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_5"); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "6") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_6"); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "7") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_7"); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "8") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_8"); ++$cur; next; }
		if ($curTok eq "9") { push(@gen_pCode, "md5_gen_app_9"); ++$cur; next; }
		print "Error, invalid, can NOT create this expression (trying to build sample test buffer\n";
sub md5_gen_run_compiled_pcode {
	# now, RUN the expression, to generate our final hash.
	if ($gen_needu == 1) { md5_gen_load_username(); }
	if ($gen_needs == 1) { md5_gen_load_salt(); if ($gen_singlesalt==1) {$gen_needs=2;} }
	if ($gen_needs2 == 1) { md5_gen_load_salt2(); if ($gen_singlesalt==1) {$gen_needs=2;} }
	if ($md5_gen_passType eq "uni") { $gen_pw = encode("UTF-16LE",$_[0]); }
	else { $gen_pw = $_[0]; }
	@gen_Stack = ();
	# we have to 'preload' this, since the md5() pops, then modifies top element, then returns string.
	# Thus, for the 'last' modification, we need a dummy var there.
	foreach my $fn (@gen_pCode) {
		no strict 'refs';
		$h = &$fn();
		use strict;
	if ($gen_needu == 1) { print "$gen_u:md5_gen($gen_num)$h"; }
	else { print "u$u-md5gen($gen_num):md5_gen($gen_num)$h"; }
	if ($gen_needs > 0) { print "\$$gen_soutput"; }
	if ($gen_needs2 > 0) { if (!defined($gen_stype) || $gen_stype ne "toS2hex") {print "\$\$2$gen_s2";} }
	print ":$u:0:$_[0]::\n";
	return $h;  # might as well return the value.
sub md5_gen_load_username {
	# load user name
	my @gen_userNames = randusername();
	if (defined($md5_gen_usernameType)) {
		if ($md5_gen_usernameType eq "lc") { $gen_u = lc $gen_u; }
		elsif ($md5_gen_usernameType eq "uc") { $gen_u = uc $gen_u; }
		elsif ($md5_gen_usernameType eq "uni") { $gen_u = encode("UTF-16LE",$gen_u); }
sub md5_gen_load_salt {
	if (defined $argsalt) {
		if ($gen_stype eq "ashex") { $gen_s=md5_hex($argsalt); }
		else { $gen_s=$argsalt; }
		$gen_soutput = $gen_s;
		$saltlen = $gen_s.length();
		if ($gen_stype eq "tohex") { $gen_s=md5_hex($gen_s); }
	} else {
		if ($gen_stype eq "ashex") { $gen_s=randstr(32, \@chrHexLo); }
		else { $gen_s=randstr($saltlen); }
		$gen_soutput = $gen_s;
		if ($gen_stype eq "tohex") { $gen_s=md5_hex($gen_s); }
sub md5_gen_load_salt2() {
	if (defined($gen_stype) && $gen_stype eq "toS2hex") { $gen_s2 = md5_hex($gen_s);  }
	else { $gen_s2 = randstr($salt2len); }
#  Here are the ACTUAL pCode primative functions.  These handle pretty
# much everything dealing with hashing expressions for md5/md4/sha1. There
# are some variables which will be properly prepared prior to any of these
# pCode functions.  These are $gen_pw (the password, possibly in unicode
# format).  $gen_s (the salt), $gen_s2 (the 2nd salt), $gen_u the username
# (possibly in unicode), and @gen_c (array of constants).  Also, prior to
# running against a number, the @gen_Stack is cleaned (but a blank variable
# is pushed to preload it).  To perform this function  md5(md5($p.$s).$p)
# here is the code that WILL be run:
# md5_gen_push
# md5_gen_push
# md5_gen_app_p
# md5_gen_app_s
# md5_gen_f5h
# md5_gen_app_p
# md5_gen_f5h
sub md5_gen_push   { push @gen_Stack,""; }
sub md5_gen_pop    { return pop @gen_Stack; }  # not really needed.
sub md5_gen_app_s  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_s; }
sub md5_gen_app_sh { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_s; } #md5_hex($gen_s); }
sub md5_gen_app_S  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_s2; }
sub md5_gen_app_u  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_u; }
sub md5_gen_app_p  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_pw; }
sub md5_gen_app_pU { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= uc $gen_pw; }
sub md5_gen_app_pL { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= lc $gen_pw; }
sub md5_gen_app_1  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[0]; }
sub md5_gen_app_2  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[1]; }
sub md5_gen_app_3  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[2]; }
sub md5_gen_app_4  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[3]; }
sub md5_gen_app_5  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[4]; }
sub md5_gen_app_6  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[5]; }
sub md5_gen_app_7  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[6]; }
sub md5_gen_app_8  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[7]; }
sub md5_gen_app_9  { $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $gen_c[8]; }
sub md5_gen_f5h    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = md5_hex($h);  $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f1h    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = sha1_hex($h); $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f4h    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = md4_hex($h);  $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f5H    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = uc md5_hex($h);	 $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f1H    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = uc sha1_hex($h); $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f4H    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = uc md4_hex($h);  $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f56    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = md5_base64($h);	 $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f16    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = sha1_base64($h); $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f46    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = md4_base64($h);  $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f5e    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = md5_base64($h);  while (length($h)%4) { $h .= "="; } $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f1e    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = sha1_base64($h); while (length($h)%4) { $h .= "="; } $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f4e    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = md4_base64($h);  while (length($h)%4) { $h .= "="; } $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f5r    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = md5($h);  $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f1r    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = sha1($h); $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }
sub md5_gen_f4r    { $h = pop @gen_Stack; $h = md4($h);  $gen_Stack[@gen_Stack-1] .= $h; return $h; }

Other www resources Similar Perl script focused on hashcat tools (using their numbering of hash types) Lets you produce hashes in a large number of formats C++ source code to generate NT Hashes

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john/Generating-test-hashes.txt · Last modified: 2013/03/31 17:04 by JimF
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