Custom builds of John the Ripper

Listed below are user-contributed custom builds that have been uploaded directly to this wiki. They have not been verified by the Openwall team in any way. Please use them at your own risk. For user-contributed custom builds that have been briefly looked at by Openwall file archive administrators, please refer to the contributed resources list on the JtR homepage and to per-OS subdirectories of the john/contrib/ directory in the file archive. Nevertheless, your possible use of those is also at your own risk.

Compiled for Windows

See also: contrib/windows/ directory in the Openwall file archive.

2022-11-17: John the Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1+bleeding-0d8403a04 2022-11-14 23:06:39 +0100 OMP [cygwin 64-bit x86_64 AVX2 AC] (Bleeding version on 2022-11-14)

  • Link pending my upload failed. (64-bit)
  • This contains the x86_64 AVX2, 64-bit LE v1.9.0 jumbo 1 bleeding edge (0d8403a04) build of John the Ripper, compiled in Windows with the latest version of cygwin.
  • This contains the additional 9 cygwin DLLs that John the Ripper currently needs to run in Windows (when compiled with cygwin). There is no requirement to install cygwin to run this version.
  • OpenMPI support is disabled in this build, as enabling it seems to cause fatal errors with MPI_Init and /dev/shm
  • This does not include vncpcap2john, SIPdump, nor regex mode as their dependencies still don't easily work with cygwin.
  • Build Information:
	john.exe -list=build-info
	Version: 1.9.0-jumbo-1+bleeding-0d8403a04 2022-11-14 23:06:39 +0100
	Build: cygwin 64-bit x86_64 AVX2 AC OMP OPENCL
	SIMD: AVX2, interleaving: MD4:3 MD5:3 SHA1:1 SHA256:1 SHA512:1
	CPU tests: AVX2
	$JOHN is ../run/
	Format interface version: 14
	Max. number of reported tunable costs: 4
	Rec file version: REC4
	Charset file version: CHR3
	CHARSET_MIN: 1 (0x01)
	CHARSET_MAX: 255 (0xff)
	SALT_HASH_SIZE: 1048576
	SINGLE_IDX_MAX: 2147483648
	SINGLE_BUF_MAX: 4294967295
	Effective limit: Number of salts vs. SingleMaxBufferSize
	Max. Markov mode level: 400
	Max. Markov mode password length: 30
	gcc version: 11.3.0
	OpenCL headers version: 2.2
	Crypto library: OpenSSL
	OpenSSL library version: 01010113f
	OpenSSL 1.1.1s  1 Nov 2022
	GMP library version: 6.2.1
	File locking: fcntl()
	fseek(): fseek
	ftell(): ftell
	fopen(): fopen
	memmem(): System's
	times(2) sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) is 1000
	Using times(2) for timers, resolution 1 ms
	HR timer: QueryPerformanceCounter(), resolution 100 ns
	Total physical host memory: 8191 MiB
	Available physical host memory: 6260 MiB
	Terminal locale string: en_US.UTF-8
	Parsed terminal locale: UTF-8
  • Configured for building John the Ripper jumbo:
		Target CPU ......................................... x86_64 AVX2, 64-bit LE
		AES-NI support ..................................... run-time detection
		Target OS .......................................... cygwin
		Cross compiling .................................... no
		Legacy arch header ................................. x86-64.h
		Optional libraries/features found:
		Memory map (share/page large files) ................ yes
		Fork support ....................................... yes
		OpenMP support ..................................... yes (not for fast formats)
		OpenCL support ..................................... yes
		Generic crypt(3) format ............................ yes
		OpenSSL (many additional formats) .................. yes
		libgmp (PRINCE mode and faster SRP formats) ........ yes
		128-bit integer (faster PRINCE mode) ............... yes
		libz (7z, pkzip and some other formats) ............ yes
		libbz2 (7z and gpg2john bz2 support) ............... yes
		libpcap (vncpcap2john and SIPdump) ................. no
		Non-free unrar code (complete RAR support) ......... yes
		librexgen (regex mode, see doc/README.librexgen) ... no
		OpenMPI support (default disabled) ................. no
		Experimental code (default disabled) ............... no
		ZTEX USB-FPGA module 1.15y support ................. no
		Development options (these may hurt performance when enabled):
		AddressSanitizer ("ASan") .......................... disabled
		UndefinedBehaviorSanitizer ("UbSan") ............... disabled
		Fuzzing test ....................................... yes
  • The following test result files are included:
* Testing Error:
	The test suite indicated a failure with form=keyring-opencl

Compiled by: Robert B. Harris from VA

Automated builds (originally intended for testing only) by Claudio André:

2018-02-08: 2018-02-07

Run-Time errors:

  • The built-in test results died at Benchmarking: sha1crypt-opencl, (NetBSD) [PBKDF1-SHA1 OpenCL 4x]

Information about this build:

  • Does not include vncpcap2john and SIPdump, since this does not easily compile on Windows.
  • This contains the MPI+OMP SSE4.2 build of John the Ripper for MS Windows 64-bit, compiled in MS Windows with the latest version of cygwin64.
  • Your CPU must support the SSE4.1 instruction set in order to run these.
  • This includes the 12 cygwin DLLs need to run John.
  • Compiled with gcc version 6.4.0

The following test results are included:


./john -list=build-info

  • Version: 2018-02-07 17:56:37 +0100
  • Build: cygwin 64-bit x86_64 SSE4.2 AC MPI + OMP
  • SIMD: SSE4.1, interleaving: MD4:3 MD5:3 SHA1:1 SHA256:1 SHA512:1
  • CPU tests: SSE4.2
  • $JOHN is ./
  • Format interface version: 14
  • Max. number of reported tunable costs: 4
  • Rec file version: REC4
  • Charset file version: CHR3
  • CHARSET_MIN: 1 (0x01)
  • CHARSET_MAX: 255 (0xff)
  • SALT_HASH_SIZE: 1048576
  • Max. Markov mode level: 400
  • Max. Markov mode password length: 30
  • gcc version: 6.4.0
  • OpenCL headers version: 2.2
  • Crypto library: OpenSSL
  • OpenSSL library version: 0100020ef
  • OpenSSL 1.0.2n 7 Dec 2017
  • GMP library version: 6.1.2
  • File locking: fcntl()
  • fseek(): fseek
  • ftell(): ftell
  • fopen(): fopen
  • memmem(): System's

Compiled by: Robert B. Harris from VA

2017-09-02: John the Ripper v1.8.0.9-jumbo-1-bleeding (Bleeding version on 2017-09-01)


Does not include vncpcap2john and SIPdump, since this does not easily compile on Windows.
This contains the MPI+OMP SSE4.1 build of John the Ripper for MS Windows 64-bit, compiled in MS Windows with the latest version of cygwin64.
Your CPU must support the SSE4.1 instruction set in order to run these.

There are 13 cygwin DLLs need to run John. As requested, these DLLs are in a separate file above, and must be copied into the run folder, if you don't already have cygwin64 installed. 

Build Info:

$ ./john -list=build-info
Build: cygwin 64-bit SSE4.1-ac MPI + OMP
SIMD: SSE4.1, interleaving: MD4:3 MD5:3 SHA1:1 SHA256:1 SHA512:1
$JOHN is ./
Format interface version: 14
Max. number of reported tunable costs: 3
Rec file version: REC4
Charset file version: CHR3
CHARSET_MIN: 1 (0x01)
CHARSET_MAX: 255 (0xff)
Max. Markov mode level: 400
Max. Markov mode password length: 30
gcc version: 5.4.0
OpenCL headers version: 2.1
Crypto library: OpenSSL
OpenSSL library version: 0100020bf
OpenSSL 1.0.2k  26 Jan 2017
GMP library version: 6.1.2
File locking: fcntl()
fseek(): fseek
ftell(): ftell
fopen(): fopen
memmem(): System's

The following test results are included:



The Built-in test died at: Benchmarking: PBKDF2-HMAC-MD5-opencl [PBKDF2-MD5 OpenCL 4x]... 

Compiled by: Robert B. Harris from VA

Compiled for Linux x86

See also: contrib/linux/ directory in the Openwall file archive.

Ubuntu snap package by Claudio André:

Compiled for Mac OS X

See also: contrib/macosx/ directory in the Openwall file archive.

These builds are meant to work on recent Mac OS X / macOS only:

Compiled for Solaris x86

See also: contrib/solaris/ directory in the Openwall file archive (includes builds for SPARC as well).

This version is statically linked to libpcap v1.3.0 
Compiled with gcc v4.6.1
Compiled by: Robert B. Harris from VA

john-1.7.9.tar.gz with the patch: john-1.7.9-jumbo-7.diff

Includes john.bash_completion

Not included are mozilla2john, office2john, SIPdump, and vncpcap2john

(The file contains the Solaris x86 64-bit intrinsic builds, in both OMP and non-OMP versions, of John the Ripper, compiled in Solaris 10 x86 64-bit) There may be issues running the OMP version on Solaris systems that do not have the OMP libraries installed.

This version is statically linked to OpenSSL v1.0.1c 

Compiled with gcc v4.6.1

The following test results are included:


Compiled by: Robert B. Harris from VA

Compiled for Android

See also: contrib/android/ directory in the Openwall file archive.

See the included INSTALL file for the installation instructions.

See the included INSTALL file for the installation instructions.

Although stated in the INSTALL file, it is NOT true that you need a rooted phone. You just have to find a place on the ext2 filesystem, where you are allowed to write. For most Android users one of the following places should work:

  • /data/local/
  • /data/tmp/
  • /data/local/tmp/

Just throw all the files of the system and user subfolder into the writeable directory, cd into the directory, change the permissions of all files with chmod and run john with ./john.

john/custom-builds.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/18 02:15 by rs904c
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