This is an old revision of the document!

Procedure to add a new code-page to john

This is for developers, or other advanced users. So, you have a set of hashes, and they are in a code page for some language which John does not support. Well, john 'can' have code pages added to it's support.

The code pages I know work, are 8 bit (256 character), and left to right reading direction. I do not know if other reading directions can be added. John does already have utf-8 support, but since this is a variable sized font/codepage, there are many things within john, which do not work. For one, some rules will not work well with utf8.

However, with a little work, a character set CAN be fully added to john. This help page was written while adding code page CP866 (DOS/LM Russian). This shows the proper way to make sure that all items are done properly, and all features of john work with the new code page.

Adding a new code page (prelim)

  • first step, obtain the latest git version of john-jumbo, from
  • Second, make SURE the code page is not already installed in that version of john. If it is, you are done.
  • To test for the CP, build john, and type ../run/john –list=encodings
  • If the CP is already installed, hurrah, you are done.
  • If not, then do a make clean in the just downloaded and updated john/src directory.
  • Now, copy all files from this folder to a temp folder (from the john folder, mkdir ../john-new & cp -p -R * ../john-new & cd ../john-new
  • from now on, all editing will be done in THIS folder. Thus, when you have completed and tested the changes, you will be able to create a patch file, and share this with the rest of the john comminity.

Hint to search for prior CodePage additions

  • One 'key' item of help, to make sure you find where all changes are, is to search for this: [cC][pP]1251 in all files in the entire project tree of john (ignore any in the test suite at this time). This shows all the files and edits which were used when linking that code page into john. Now, some of those hits are just comments, and really do not matter. But with a list of all of where that CP made changes, you should be sure that you have made all changes, once done (making sure you have your code page added the same 'way' at each location.

Obtaining the data for the Code-Page to Unicode conversion

  • a simple google search for CP866 is done. Simply select one of the first pages (a wiki).
  • A visual view of the character data is found at However, the perl script works from the Encode module within Perl.
  • First, obtain and apply the UnicodeDevelFiles-02.diff.gz file from the patches page as these files are too large to be included with JtR.
  • There is a Perl script in the Unicode directory (src/Unicode, after applying the patch). It is Unicode/ (Compute Code Page). It can produce all needed data from the Unicode Database (which is a flat text file).
  • With that in place, run the script. Simply put the proper code page name on the command line. To see a list of all code pages, run the script with no command line argument.
perl Unicode/ -v cp866 

// here is the CP866 to Unicode conversion for CP866 characters from 0x80 to 0xFF
static UTF16 CP866_to_unicode_high128[] = {
0x0401,0x0451,0x0404,0x0454,0x0407,0x0457,0x040E,0x045E,0x00B0,0x2219,0x00B7,0x221A,0x2116,0x00A4,0x25A0,0x00A0 };
#define CHARS_LOWER_CP866 \
#define CHARS_LOW_ONLY_CP866
#define CHARS_UPPER_CP866 \
#define CHARS_UP_ONLY_CP866
#define CHARS_DIGITS_CP866
#define CHARS_SPECIALS_CP866 \
#define CHARS_ALPHA_CP866 \
#define CHARS_INVALID_CP866 ""
#define CHARS_VOWELS_CP866 \
  • Cut the above data exactly, and place this near the end of ./src/encoding_data.h (before the “END OF AUTO-GENERATED DATA”).
  • NOTE, there may be lines that look like this:
    • / / *** WARNING, char at ord(0xE1) U+00DF needs to be looked into. Likely multi-byte conversion
    • These lines may require additional code, beyond what this tutorial can cover.

Linking the Unicode conversion into john

* Edit ./src/rules.c Change this code:

// this will 'pacify' compiler warnings.
UTF16 *JunkStuff[] = {KOI8_r_to_unicode_high128, CP1251_to_unicode_high128};

* to this. We add our new variable to this 'junk' array. This simply pacifies the compiler warnings.

// this will 'pacify' compiler warnings.
UTF16 *JunkStuff[] = {KOI8_r_to_unicode_high128, CP1251_to_unicode_high128, CP866_to_unicode_high128};

* Now, within ./src/unicode.c We are going to modify some code in the initUnicode() function * The 2 blocks of code we are going to modify are right under the comment: “Here we setup the 8-bit codepages we handle, and setup the mapping values into Unicode.” * this shows the changed code, for our CP866 data:

	// Here we setup the 8-bit codepages we handle, and setup the mapping values into Unicode.
	for (i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
		CP_to_Unicode[i] = i;
	for (i = 128; i < 256; ++i) {
		if (options.cp1251)
			CP_to_Unicode[i] = CP1251_to_unicode_high128[i-128];
		else if (options.koi8_r)
			CP_to_Unicode[i] = KOI8_r_to_unicode_high128[i-128];
+		else if (options.cp866)
+			CP_to_Unicode[i] = CP866_to_unicode_high128[i-128];
			CP_to_Unicode[i] = i;
	for (i = 0; i < 0x10000; ++i) 
		CP_from_Unicode[i] = i;  // will truncate to lower 8 bits.
	for (i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
		if (options.cp1251)
			CP_from_Unicode[CP1251_to_unicode_high128[i]] = i+128;
		else if (options.koi8r)
			CP_from_Unicode[KOI8_r_to_unicode_high128[i]] = i+128;
+		else if (options.cp866)
+			CP_from_Unicode[CP866_to_unicode_high128[i]] = i+128;
		else {
			// for iso-8859-1, this is the only change to 'straight' 0 to 0xFF -> 0 to 0xFF.
			CP_from_Unicode[0x39C] = 0xB5;

Adding the command line options and help into john

  • Change this, near the bottom of ./src/options.h make this change.
 /* wordfile character encoding 'stuff' */
	int encoding_7_bit;  // if NO other charset is used, we set this to 1.  This tells us to user 7 bit ASCII.
	int utf8;
	int iso8859_1;
	int koi8_r;
	int cp1251;
+	int cp866;
  • Add our new code page to the options in john. Edit near the top of initUnicode() in ./src/unicode.c
-	options.utf8 = options.iso8859_1 = options.koi8_r = options.cp1251 = 0;
+	options.utf8 = options.iso8859_1 = options.koi8_r = options.cp1251 = options.cp866 = 0;
	// by 'default' we are setup in 7 bit ascii mode (for rules).
	options.encoding_7_bit = 1;
	if ( (options.flags & FLG_INP_ENCODING) && options.encoding) {
		// Ok, check a 'few' valid things for utf8
		options.encoding_7_bit = 0;
		if (!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "utf8")||!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "utf-8"))
			options.utf8 = 1;
		else if (!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "ansi")||!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "iso-8859-1")||!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "8859-1"))
			options.iso8859_1 = 1;
		else if (!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "koi8-r")||!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "koi8r"))
			options.koi8_r = 1;
		else if (!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "cp1251")||!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "cp-1251"))
			options.cp1251 = 1;
+		else if (!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "cp866")||!strcasecmp(options.encoding, "cp-866"))
+			options.cp866 = 1;
		else {
			fprintf (stderr, "Supported encodings within john are: raw, utf-8, iso-8859-1 (or ansi)"
					", koi8-r"
					", cp1251"
+					", cp866"

First test build

  • At this time, we should be able to build john, to test that we have not made any syntax errors, like incorrectly spelled variable names, missing semi colons, etc.

If there are problems, then by all means FIX THEM NOW, while the changes are small. NOTE, you will NOT use CP866 for your variable names. Pick variable names that are unused, but that self comment what the variable actually contains.

  • also ./john –encoding=LIST –stdin should show our new encoding as a valid option (cp866)
  • ./john –encoding=cp866 –stdin on the command line should also be accepted, but we still have more work to do, so this codepage is not 'fully' working (yet).

Adding the 'casing' data to ./src/unicode.c

  • to get proper casing in the ./src/Unicode.c file, we simply edit code within the initUnicode() function again. Very trivial edits. MAKE sure to use the proper options.codepage value, that was used in options.h already.
	// now handle upper 128 byte values for casing.
	if (options.koi8_r) {
		cpU = (unsigned char*)CHARS_UPPER_KOI8_R; cpL = (unsigned char*)CHARS_LOWER_KOI8_R;
	} else if (options.cp1251) {
		cpU = (unsigned char*)CHARS_UPPER_CP1251; cpL = (unsigned char*)CHARS_LOWER_CP1251;
+	} else if (options.cp866) {
+		cpU = (unsigned char*)CHARS_UPPER_CP866; cpL = (unsigned char*)CHARS_LOWER_CP866;
	} else {
		cpU = (unsigned char*)CHARS_UPPER_8859_1; cpL = (unsigned char*)CHARS_LOWER_8859_1;
  • NOTE, if there are CHARS_LOW_ONLY_codepage or CHARS_UP_ONLY_codepage, they ARE NOT put here. We can only handle MATCHING upcase and lowcase values only.

Adding the 'casing' data to ./src/rules.c

  • the final change (yes, we 'are' ALMOST done), is to add the character classifications, and casing code to ./src/rules.c
  • The easy way to do this, is to search for CP1251, and copy all that data, and make appropriate pastes, and then change the variable names to CP866 naming.
  • Here is the completed code from ./src/rules.c
  • Add these lines to rules_init_classes() function
static void rules_init_classes(void)
	static unsigned char eightbitchars[129];
	int i;
	memset(rules_classes, 0, sizeof(rules_classes));
	// this is an ugly hack but it works fine, used for 'b' below
		eightbitchars[i] = i+128;
	eightbitchars[128] = 0;
	rules_init_class('?', "?");
	rules_init_class('v', "aeiouAEIOU");
	rules_init_class('c', "bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ");
	rules_init_class('w', " \t");
	rules_init_class('p', ".,:;'\"?!`");
	rules_init_class('s', "$%^&*()-_+=|\\<>[]{}#@/~");
	if (options.iso8859_1) {
		rules_init_class('l', CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_8859_1);
		rules_init_class('u', CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_8859_1);
	} else if (options.koi8_r) {
		rules_init_class('l', CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_KOI8_R);
		rules_init_class('u', CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_KOI8_R);
	} else if (options.cp1251) {
		rules_init_class('l', CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_CP1251);
		rules_init_class('u', CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_CP1251);
+	} else if (options.cp866) {
+		rules_init_class('l', CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_CP866);
+		rules_init_class('u', CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_CP866);
	} else {
		rules_init_class('l', CHARS_LOWER);
		rules_init_class('u', CHARS_UPPER);
	rules_init_class('d', CHARS_DIGITS);
	if (options.iso8859_1) {
		rules_init_class('a', CHARS_LOWER CHARS_UPPER CHARS_LOWER_8859_1 CHARS_UPPER_8859_1);
	} else if (options.koi8_r) {
	} else if (options.cp1251) {
+	} else if (options.cp866) {
	} else {
		rules_init_class('a', CHARS_LOWER CHARS_UPPER);
		rules_init_class('x', CHARS_LOWER CHARS_UPPER CHARS_DIGITS);
	rules_init_class('b', (char *)&eightbitchars);
	rules_init_class('Z', "");
  • and add these lines to rules_init_convs()
    • neither CHARS_LOW_ONLY_cp nor CHARS_UP_ONLY_cp, should e placed into the rules_init_convs()function data.
static void rules_init_convs(void)
	conv_shift = rules_init_conv(conv_source, CONV_SHIFT);
	conv_invert = rules_init_conv(conv_source, CONV_INVERT);
	conv_vowels = rules_init_conv(conv_source, CONV_VOWELS);
	conv_right = rules_init_conv(conv_source, CONV_RIGHT);
	conv_left = rules_init_conv(conv_source, CONV_LEFT);
	if (options.iso8859_1) {
		conv_tolower = rules_init_conv(CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_8859_1, CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_8859_1);
		conv_toupper = rules_init_conv(CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_8859_1, CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_8859_1);
	} else if (options.koi8_r) {
		conv_tolower = rules_init_conv(CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_KOI8_R, CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_KOI8_R);
		conv_toupper = rules_init_conv(CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_KOI8_R, CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_KOI8_R);
	} else if (options.cp1251) {
		conv_tolower = rules_init_conv(CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_CP1251, CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_CP1251);
		conv_toupper = rules_init_conv(CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_CP1251, CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_CP1251);
+	} else if (options.cp866) {
+		conv_tolower = rules_init_conv(CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_CP866, CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_CP866);
+		conv_toupper = rules_init_conv(CHARS_LOWER CHARS_LOWER_CP866, CHARS_UPPER CHARS_UPPER_CP866);
	} else {
		conv_tolower = rules_init_conv(CHARS_UPPER, CHARS_LOWER);
		conv_toupper = rules_init_conv(CHARS_LOWER, CHARS_UPPER);

The encoding data should now be complete, within john

CONGRATULATIONS you have added codepage CP866 to john.

  • well, you should build first, run a few tests (like john -test=0 -encoding=cp866), just to make sure things built, and that you can enter data at the command line.
  • If all goes well, we 'hope' that this code page is working.

Building Test cases (in john test suite)

  • TBD

Testing your work

  • TBD. Most testing will be handled with the Test Suite, once that section has been completed.

What if something does not test right?

  • Go over these instructions again. With the data output by the perl script, getting things right should be easy to do.
  • things to look for, are incorrect variable names. Cut/paste code, where the old variable name is left is VERY likely.
  • check the patch file (created in the next step), as the differences will help zero in on just the code changes made for this enhancement.

Creating the patch to share with others in the john community

  • Once everything has been completed, and tested, then perform a make clean in ./john/src and ./john-new/src (we made all of our changes in john-new)
  • now, change to the parent directory of john and john-new. and type this diff command:
  • TZ=UTC diff -urpN john john-new | gzip -9 > john-cp866-codepage.patch.gz
  • Upload this to the wiki, change the patch page (, and post a notice on the john-dev users list, noting that this code page is now part of john.

Handling the WARNING, char at ord(0xHH) U+HHHH needs to be looked into

  • 0xDF is one of these. Some code has been added, but at this time, there is no definitive solution.
  • TBD, this will be worked on, as more information is uncovered.

Handling CP's if the lower 128 chars are NOT the same as ASCII lower 128

  • TBD, this will be worked on, as more information is uncovered.
john/tutorials/add-codepage.1352158354.txt · Last modified: 2012/11/06 00:32 by magnum
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