PPPoE client


You will need ppp and rp-pppoe packages. These still are not part of Owl, but you can get them from Gremlin's FTP server:

rpm -Uvh ftp://home.gremlin.ru/pub/linux/Owl/RPMS.i386/ppp-2.4.4-g1.i386.rpm
rpm -Uvh ftp://home.gremlin.ru/pub/linux/Owl/RPMS.i386/rp-pppoe-3.8-g1.i386.rpm

Of course, you may just download them (say, using lftpget) and then install to another machine.


As root, run


It will ask you for

Enter your user name given by ISP

Enter the name of interface connected to your ISP's network or *DSL modem - for example, eth1

You definitely don't want to use it - so say no

Normally this should be left emply, thus telling PPPoE not to modify your /etc/resolv.conf - only in rare cases you may wish to enter server here for using peer-assigned DNS servers.

Enter your password given by ISP

Answer 0, thus telling PPPoE not to modify firewall rules.

Look at the summary of options you entered and confirm them.


Ethernet device must be in “up” state - use

ip link set dev eth1 up

to bring it up if necessary.

Once ethernet device is up (and, optionally, configured), use


command to fire up the PPPoE link. This command may be issued from startup script - say, rc.local