Openwall Project contributor application template

Initially, this template was meant to be used by Google Summer of Code (GSoC) students applying to work on our project ideas, but please feel free to apply to us directly outside of GSoC, such as for our Summer of Security program or otherwise.

If you're interested in getting involved, please e-mail us at contribapp at You do not have to fill this template out right away, although you may; we'd also appreciate it if you start by indicating your interest and asking questions.

Non-trivial answers to these questions are optional. Obviously, you're not expected to actually have experience in all areas we're inquiring about in this template, yet we need to know what areas you do have experience in. Please do not be frightened by the length of this template. Please be bold to apply even if you have to answer “no experience”, etc. to many or even most of the questions - that's expected.

To give credit where it's due, some of the questions above are based on Nmap's - thanks!